Have You Ever Felt Rejected?

In today’s world, many of us mistake judgment for justice, creating more fear, chaos, and division. But what if we took a step back and truly understood the difference? What if, instead of reacting with judgment, we chose justice—the kind that heals, restores, and unites?

Justice and judgment are not the same. The main difference? One is born from love, while the other stems from fear.

Justice seeks fairness, balance, and a deeper understanding of what is right. It’s not just about laws or rules—it’s about integrity, wisdom, and mercy. True justice is restorative, bringing people together and upholding what is right for all involved.

Judgment, on the other hand, often acts as a weapon. It categorizes, labels, and condemns based on personal or societal biases. While discernment is important, judgment can be distorted by ego and fear, leading to division and unnecessary suffering.

I know this firsthand.

I have experienced both the giving and receiving of justice and judgment, and I can tell you—they feel completely different.

A perfect example of this is our political climate today. Over the years, I have lost friends overnight—people I had known for years, who had embraced me as family—simply because they discovered I voted differently than them. Nothing about me changed. My values, my heart, my intentions—everything remained the same. And yet, I was suddenly viewed as "other," as someone to be cast out.

It felt eerily familiar. As a gay woman, I had already experienced the pain of rejection from those who couldn’t accept me for who I am. But now, I was experiencing it again—not because of my identity, but because of my political choices.

At first, it stung. But then, I realized something important: Their judgment was not about me. It was about their fear. Fear of differences. Fear of the unknown. Fear of losing control. And in their fear, they chose to judge instead of understand.

That’s when I made my own choice—I chose justice.

Justice, in this case, meant stepping away from spaces where I was not welcome, not with anger, but with peace. It meant recognizing that their rejection was not mine to carry. It meant holding space for love, even when others could not do the same.

So how do we break this cycle of judgment? How do we move toward justice?

We start by healing ourselves.

When we heal, we no longer take things so personally. We learn to listen without fear. We create spaces where real conversations—ones filled with honesty, vulnerability, and respect—can happen. Healing allows us to see beyond labels and into the hearts of those around us.

Healing is the key to moving forward, not just individually, but collectively. If we truly want a world rooted in justice instead of judgment, we must do the inner work to shift from fear to love.

If you’re ready to take that step, I invite you to join my upcoming H.E.A.L. program. This program is designed to help you overcome past pain and trauma so you can embrace life with clarity, love, and true justice. Let’s heal and move forward together. Click here to learn more and sign up today!


How you’ll feel

More Whole, Happy, Peaceful, & Hopeful About Your Future



“For women who want to be reminded of their own value or taught how to capitalize on their unique talents, and especially to women who are holding themselves back in their careers or personal lives because of what people might think, I recommend you talk to Tilde.”

-Avery Carmen


Do You Want to Be Right or Understand?