The Truth Will Set Us Free
Are we prepared to hear the truth?
“The Truth is powerful and it prevails.” Sojourner Truth
Some people say they just want to know the truth, but yet when presented with a different version that doesn’t confirm their current beliefs, they vehemently deny it and rally around others who feel the same way to make themselves feel better.
Authentic Truth seekers embrace learning new information so they can learn, grow, and make better decisions. Inauthentic Truth seekers immediately want to cancel a new truth or try to silence it, because it’s not what they currently believe is true.
One group is not afraid, while the other is led by fear. The first group is open-minded enough to look honestly at more than one-side of a story. Real Truth seekers can see the truth even if it shows up speaking a different language or is dressed in unexpected attire. They can feel it in their Spirit.
The second group is operating out of fear, because they’re afraid of being wrong and can’t get their ego out of the way. No matter how much “evidence” you present to them, they cannot hear or see it because they don’t want to and therefore can’t. They’re hypnotized and don’t even realize it.
How do you know if you’re hypnotized? You’re willing to see other people suffer until they agree with your version of the truth and act accordingly. Who in their right mind would want to do that to another human being? No one.
Many self-proclaimed “spiritual” and “conscious” leaders are hypnotized. You can see the evidence easily as they sow more malevolent division and discourse between us. I call each and everyone of you on your bullsh*t! Trying to silence or cancel anyone is not The Way, The Truth, & The Life. It’s cowardly.
We need mature, open, and honest debate to birth new ideas, solutions and systems. If you are still reeling from Trump Derangement Syndrome take a seat until you heal, so you can actually hear more than your own echo. The same goes for anyone else who is still triggered by politics.
The Truth can set us all free, if we’re willing to actually listen to each other and work together. It’s time to do so.
We are ONE.
I love you, and God loves you.
Are you ready to
Re-Ignite Your Soul to Live More Happy & Free?
“Tilde helped me find out who I want to be and where I'm going”
-Maureen Scoville