
Life After Work

Are you ready to start living, instead of making a living? Are you ready to discover what you value most at this stage of life and how to focus on “what’s right with you”? Are you longing to live a life with more purpose, meaning and passion?

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Life After Work


In June of 2014, I retired after 20 years of working at Southwest Airlines to jump full-time into growing my company, Womanars®.  It was a decision I took seriously since I was leaving a secure and cushy 6-figure career for the unknown.  I was scared, AND I was excited!  My excitement and vision won over my fear and I have never regretted it.  It hasn’t been easy, but it’s been the most rewarding and FUN adventure of my life.

I’ve grown so much personally and spiritually, and I’m no longer afraid of change, in fact, I embrace it.  Change is merely a great opportunity for us to grow.  

The Pandemic of 2020 has forced everyone to slow down or stop and consider what our priorities really are, and whether what we’re currently doing is making us truly happy. 

Some people realized they had made their work their life.  They had missed precious time with family and friends, and had also neglected their health, as well as not doing things they really loved doing.  They realize there’s more to life than work now, they just don’t know how to make positive changes.  

Others have been laid off and forced to rethink what to do next.  They have to consider starting a new career path or maybe even starting their own businesses.  Desperate times require desperate measures.  Many are still searching for the right solution.  They don’t want to settle for “just another job” or “a job they hate”, they want to feel good about going to work and the work they do.  They want to be proud of the company they work for or build.  

Lastly, the Pandemic has certainly increased the number of people contemplating retirement, or actually retiring at a more rapid rate,.  People are feeling nervous and scared, uncertain about the future and whether or not this is the best decision for them.  Many people worry about what they’re going to do next, if they’re not working.  They may ask themselves, “Will I regret it?” or “Will I run out of money?”, or “Will I get bored?”.  These are all valid questions that deserve contemplation.  

These are all tough decisions to make, unless you’re super confident and know exactly what you want and how to get it. 

If not, it can be a long and rocky road to navigate.  

My classes and programs are designed to give you clarity on how to leverage your strengths, be clear about what you really want and a plan that works for you on how to get there.  

I openly share what worked and what didn’t work for me as i navigated my own way, in hopes it saves you energy, money and time, on your journey. 

How you’ll feel

Self-Confident, Clear About What You Want, Focused & Ready to Take Inspired Action


 “I can honestly say this has been one of the most important breakthroughs of my life.”

- Lissette Handal