Life After Abuse


Are you ready to heal from emotional, mental, or physical abuse? Are you open to rebuilding self-love, self-compassion and learning to create positive relationships?



One of the worst crimes against humanity is when one person abuses another.  It’s a betrayal of trust, a warped vision of love that can crush our soul, especially in the form of child abuse.  

Studies show if you were abused as a child, you will more than likely abuse yourself or others.  If not addressed and healed early on, it can have a negative impact on your emotional intelligence, resiliency, self-awareness, self-esteem, self-worth and self-love. 

You may find yourself repeating an unconscious pattern of being in abusive relationships as you grow into adulthood, often confused and frustrated as to why you keep making the same mistakes time and time again.  

Many people also often learn to mask their pain with anger, fear, shame, perfection, anorexia, bulimia, obesity, victimhood, materialism, egotism, narcissism, judgmentalism and so on. They would rather pretend that everything is “ok”, rather than take an honest look at themselves due to the fear of what they will have to confront.  

Every time I speak to audiences around the world about how I transformed my life after years of childhood sexual abuse, I’m amazed how many women come up to me afterwards and thank me for being their voice.  It also saddens me to think they have yet to find their own voice and healing.

The classes and programs I created will empower and equip you to find your unique voice, heal the sacred space of your heart, remove the old masks you’ve been wearing  and learn how to turn past pain into POWER.  You will shine brightly from the inside-out and finally find true Joy! 


How you’ll feel

More Whole, Happy, Peaceful, & Hopeful About Your Future



“For women who want to be reminded of their own value or taught how to capitalize on their unique talents, and especially to women who are holding themselves back in their careers or personal lives because of what people might think, I recommend you talk to Tilde.”

-Avery Carmen


Life After Divorce or Break-up


Life After Work